


中心/院舍健康服務員 (PCW)

Work Scope: 為長者/殘障人士提供日常護理照顧和復康服務,如沐浴、餵食、協助如廁、復康訓練、跟車接送、小組活動等。
Qualification: 須持有起居照顧員 200 小時以上訓練證書及相關工作經驗
Expiration Date: 31/1/2025
Application Method: Click Here 按此 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情

上門起居照顧員 (PCW)

Work Scope: 為居家長者提供日常護理照顧和復康服務,如沐浴、餵食、協助如廁、復康訓練、換片、外出購物、看陪等。
Qualification: 須持有認可起居照顧員訓練證書及相關工作經驗
Expiration Date: 全年招募
Application Method: Click Here 按此 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情

文員 (Clerk)

Work Scope: 協助處理辦公室日常運作,負責一般文書工作,包括文件存及整理、輸入資料、接聽熱線電話、文件收發、帳目紀錄、前台接待等。
Qualification: 中學畢業,懂中英文打字和簡單電腦操作
Expiration Date: 全年招募
Application Method: Click Here 按此 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情

物理治療師 (PT)

Work Scope: 為長者/殘障人士提供復康需要評估,制定和執行訓練及/或治療方案。
Qualification: 持有效物理治療師執業資格,兩年或以上相關經驗
Expiration Date: 全年招募
Application Method: Click Here 按此 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情

保健員 (HW)

Work Scope: (院舍) 協助護士推行護理工作,如傷口換症、鼻胃管餵飼及處理外用藥物的跟進在護士督導下;(上門) 為居家長者提供日常護理照顧和復康服務,如沐浴、餵食、協助如廁、復康訓練、度血糖、鼻胃管餵飼等。
Qualification: 持保健員註冊證及具有相關院舍或上門長者照顧經驗
Expiration Date: 31/1/2025
Application Method: Click Here 按此 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情

陪診員 (APC)

Work Scope: 接送長者由住所到醫院/診所及協助完成診病和拿藥等程序。
Qualification: 需有相關工作經驗及熟識輪椅操作
Expiration Date: 全年招募
Application Method: Click Here 按此 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情

中醫師 (CMP)

Work Scope: 為居家長者提供上門中醫針炙及推拿服務。
Qualification: 持有效中醫師執業資格,兩年或以上相關經驗
Expiration Date: 全年招募
Application Method: Click Here 按此 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情

言語治療師 (ST)

Work Scope: 為長者/殘障人士提供吞嚥能力或言語能力評估,制定和執行訓練及/或治療方案。
Qualification: 持有效言語治療師執業資格,兩年或以上相關經驗
Expiration Date: 全年招募
Application Method: Click Here 按此 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情

院舍廚師 (Cook)

Work Scope: 負責為住院人士烹煮膳食及一般廚房清潔維護事務。
Qualification: 有兩年或以上炒鑊埋爐頭相關經驗
Expiration Date: 全年招募
Application Method: Click Here 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情


Work Scope: 處理長者院舍內所有電線、電制、電燈及簡單電器維護工作,如有木工及水喉工作經驗更佳。
Qualification: 持有電業工程人員A級版,兩年或以上相關工作經驗
Expiration Date: 全年招募
Application Method: Click Here 按此 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情


Work Scope: 為智障/殘障院舍院友設計及帶領小組活動,編寫活動計劃和報告,需要時為院友提供起居照顧
Qualification: 中學文憑試5科合格(包括中、英文)或同等學力,會中、英文打字,有相關照顧經驗
Expiration Date: 全年招募
Application Method: Click Here 塡寫網上申請表或致電 2663 3001 查詢詳情

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The information contained on this website of Haven of Hope Christian Association (hereinafter referred to as "the Association") is for reference only. Although the Association has tried its best to ensure that the information on this website is accurate, the Association does not guarantee that the information is accurate. The Association will not be held legally responsible for any errors or omissions.

Users who link from our website to web pages provided by other organizations must note that these web pages are compiled and provided by the organizations that own the web pages. The Association is not responsible for the content of web pages linked to this web page, nor is it responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of such links.

General Principle

In compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Haven of Hope Christian Service (HOHCS) and/ or its service units is committed to safeguard the personal information of web users. Personal data, including but not limited to name, telephone number, facsimile number, address, email address, record of donation will only be collected to organize, coordinate and carry out activities to support or encourage charitable and /or health related works organized and undertaken by HOHCS and/ or its service units and to publicize and promote such works. All reasonably practicable actions shall be taken to ensure that personal data collected and retained are accurate and securely protected. No personal data shall be disclosed to other organization or individuals without consent of the web users.

Collection and Use

When web users visit the website of HOHCS, our service provider will only record their IP address and the pages browsed. No personally identifiable information shall be collected. The aggregate information about the number and types of visitors will be used for conducting analysis for website improvement.

Storage and Access

All personal information that web user provides to HOHCS is secured on HOHCS's server with restricted access. HOHCS reserves the right to use agents, who are bound by strict confidentiality guideline, to perform storage and processing functions. Only designated staff or agents are permitted to view user’s personal data.

Online Registration / Online Donation

When web users register or donate, their personal information will be securely encrypted, in which credit card information will only be collected by the Visa/Master companies via their payment gateway for the purpose of processing the donation payment. HOHCS will not disclose any of such information. Other personal information such as donor's name, telephone number, facsimile number, address, email address and record of donation will only be used for the purposes of issuing and sending of donation receipts and mailing of promotional materials by HOHCS.

Update and Removal

If web users would like to update or remove their personal information from the database of HOHCS, please email your request to or write to our Communications and Resource Development Department. Address is as follows:
Communications and Resource Development Department
Haven of Hope Christian Service
7 Haven of Hope Road
Tseung Kwan O, NT
Hong Kong